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Seal Warriors


"A fascinating, informative and encouraging review…”

- Bridget Curran, Canada

"Your interview with Captain Paul Watson gave me new insight and perspective even though I have been involved as an activist for a number of years. I applaud your show in the caliber of its guests and in getting vital information out to a wide audience."

-Alice Bruckenstein

I can’t wait until the show airs!”

-Claudia Peters, Netherlands





Once again, WFL Endangered Stream Live radio talk show host and animal welfare advocate, Katia Louise, has brought to the public an informative and thought-provoking show with “Tails of Asia”, which examines the use of dogs and cats for fur and food.

Those of us who are deeply touched by animals are, by nature, sensitive people and therefore might attempt to protect our feelings by shying away from such a topic. But “Tails of Asia” host, Katia Louise, successfully approaches the unsettling subject matter with tact and compassion without discounting the importance of the issues.

Instrumental in achieving the show’s objective are the featured guests, which include Dena Jones, U.S. Program Director for the World Society for the Protection of Animals, Bill Dyer, Regional Director for In Defense of Animals, and Jill Robinson, Founder and CEO of Animals Asia Foundation. These remarkable individuals, who work tirelessly to put an end to animal cruelty around the world, are happy to share their vast knowledge of the issues in an effort to bring awareness that will motivate others to take action.

Perhaps you’ve wondered just how many dogs and cats are killed each year in Asia for their fur or their meat. Maybe you’ve curiously pondered the conditions in which these animals are kept or the methods in which they’re killed. You may have even contemplated how the fur fashion industry’s exorbitant profits are realized at the expense of unimaginable suffering by animals and the damaging impact on the environment. Ranging from the specific (how many chinchillas are killed to make one fur coat) to the general (why many Asians choose to eat dog and cat meat), “Tails of Asia” provides the answers to these and many other questions relating to the issue—answers that arm the listener with the knowledge they need in the fight for animal rights.

There were encouraging points made during the show as well. Guest Bill Dyer noted that Israeli politician Nitzan Horowitz recently made an unprecedented move by introducing a bill that would ban the fur industry entirely in Israel. Jill Robinson, who called in to the show from China, said that the tides are slowly changing there with regard to how people view animal welfare. She told of a recent incident in China in which a small, unorganized group of animal advocates broke into a facility to rescue several hundred cats from a tragic fate, and while they technically broke the law, the local authorities essentially turned a blind eye to the group’s actions and chose not to arrest them. It was well-noted by all the guests that even the smallest of victories should be celebrated as they end suffering of some animals and bring awareness to the problem. Positive changes are slowly being made as a result of the combined efforts of animal advocates world-wide.
To learn more about what you can do to help combat the cruelty, listen to “Tails of Asia”, which can be accessed on demand at

-Kara Lemire
Voice for Change-CAUSE


"I thoroughly enjoyed the program. You had a superb panel with the greatest knowledge.. they are all like walking encyclopedias. I was very impressed with the quality of the show from content to the presentation."

-Vicki Tobin

"What a great job Katia and her four guests did in analyzing all aspects of the horse slaughter industry, which Katia rightly accuses of practicing a "criminal level of cruelty." May the divine nobility, loyalty and goodness of the horses and their human friends overpower the lies and deceit of this sordid, greedy business and its political puppets."

-Olvia Luci

"Thank you for putting this show together... I'm glad that you were able to get this panel of experts that can show the truth."

-Live to Ride

""Katia transforms the hard to swallow reality of animal cruelty into manageable solutions with encouraging results in an edgy yet light hearted talk radio show. Thank you for your important work. "

-Kate Dudley










"Thank YOU for being a spokesperson and champion for the health and welfare of animals."

- Nena Winand, DVM, Ph.D, Veterinarians for Equine Welfare

"The interview was amazing! Professionally done and and I so appreciate Katia's hard work and passion for what she does and is doing."

-Mayuka Thais, Artist

“Katia, your hard work has produced exceptional resources which addresses so very many issues with authoritative information and analysis.”

- Mayor Paula Bacon, Kaufman, Texas

“It is so good to have a chance to get the unvarnished truth out.”

-John Holland, Author, Senior Analyst for AAHS

"Katia, you are doing amazing things for the animals and you have my gratitude and thanks for what you have done. I'm in awe of such devotion and dedication. You're making it a better world to live in!!


"A robust program - Quite thought provoking!"

-Adam M. Roberts, Sr VP
Born Free USA, Washington, DC



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